Kapuahi kuni ʻanāʻanā (sorcerer cup)

Kapuahi kuni ʻanāʻanā (sorcerer cup), a polished stone cup used for ceremony by a kahuna (sorcerer).

Kapuahi Kuni Anaana (Hawaiian Stone Ritual Cup). Shape: hemispherical, Height: 1 7/8 inches, Diameter: 3 1/2 inches, Circumference: 10 3/4 inches, Lip Thickness: 7/8 inches, Bowl Diameter: 1 3/4 inches, Bowl Depth: 1 1/4 inches, Color: Charcoal Grey, Finish: Smooth but with tiny pores. Noticeable rock seam scars the surface near the base running horizontally.


Cultural Narrative: 

Hawaiians believed that hair, fingernail clippings, and other body wastes held the mana (power) of the person whom these personal items came from.  These items were prayed upon and used against them in a curse by the kahuna (priest or sorcerer) who performed the ritual.

Location Description: 
